Price List 2023

Hay per Small Bale- £4.50 (May increase in line with availability and significant increases in fuel costs during 2022-23; noting our small bales remain much larger than many of those other small bales offered locally)

Straw per small bale- £4.00 (may increase in line with availability during 2022)- Currently running low

Haylage- not currently available

Kindling (Twigs not processed) per plastic crate (circa 500mm x 300mm by 250mm deep)- £6- Currently running low

Small logs (seasoned naturally)  per plastic crate (circa 500mm x 300mm by 250mm deep)- £7 - Currently running low

Note- to reduce waste packaging firewood is delivered in carry size plastic crates, which are brought away on delivery, all fire wood is naturally seasoned and dried


EGGS- Rare breed Duck and Chicken

Welsh Harlequin Duck Eggs - £2.50 per half dozen

Golden Crested Legbar- (Blue eggs)- £1.50 per half dozen (tend to be smaller eggs)

Fertilised eggs

Welsh Harlequin- £12 per half dozen

Golden Crested Legbar- £10 per half dozen

Day Old Ducklings/Chicks

Ducklings POA

Chicks POA

Young Waterfowl

Welsh Harlequin Ducks  POA (Normally sold as a trio)

Young Chickens

Golden Crested Leg bars POA (Normally sold as a trio)

FRUIT and NUTS  (Price on application)

Note- Seasons and tree sizes (plus Goats escaping)  dictate availability of the following from our own farm


Apples - Ashmead Kernel, Morgan Sweet (For eating and Cider), Early Worcester, Katy, Kingston Black (Cider), Dabinet (Cider), Cox Pippin, John O Gold, Orleans Reinette

Pears - Doyenne du Comice (French), Williams, Conference

Gages/Plums/Damsons - Oullins Golden Gage, Green Gage, English Plum, Sloes (For Gin/ Preserves or Jam), Victoria Plum, Damson

Cherries - Stella, Morello

Nuts - Sweet Chestnut, Hazel Nut, Walnut, Giant Cob Nut

Hedgerow fruit - Sloes, Hornbeam Berries, Elderflower, Elder Berries, Rowan berries

British Saanen Goats Cheese- POA available at markets


Blade, drill bits, Knife sharpening- POA


WILD CAMPING- £15 per pitch per night (Max party- per pitch size  - 4 people or a family of 5 (including kids))

Noting- For the less wild at heart- We have 2 toilet nearby with hand basins and a washup area and shower being finished for summer, access to power if required (for those pesky mobile phones we cannot do without :-)) at extra set cost £2.50 per night per pitch.

Camping- come glamping- Coleman 5 Birth tent set up with air beds - £40 per pitch per night- just bring your sleeping bags and pillows

New stock - Vango Icarus (good size for family of 4 or 5) and side Awning tent set up- £40 per pitch per night

Fire Pit Hire £2.50 per night

Wood for fire pit- £5 per crate

Power- £2.50 per night

Note- always call first as we do not currentlyoffer camping for all 365 days of a year.


Horse Breeding

Mare in Foal husbandry- POA

Section D Cover- POA

Section C cover by arrangement - POA

Hackney Stallion Cover- Watch this space for our Hackney breeding programme.....................

Horse training and Horse driver development (To drive carriages and driving for sport)- BHS Qualified trainer

Bagot Goat Conservation Breeding

Pedigree Billy cover- POA

Bagot Kids- POA (circa £150)

Yearling Bagots- POA (circa £250)

Bagot Goat Grazing- save on maintenance costs- POA


AGRICULTURAL Contracting- Shepherding, Animal and Livestock Husbandry- POA